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Battle Realms Modding Battlerealms dat by Marcello

Im not used in making tutorials so please bare with me. For me Battle Realms can be widely modded via two files that if you want to be a modder must understand fully, the first one is of course Battle_Realms_F.exe and its dependant dlls namely the scripts folders that contain all the campaigns scripts, you can change some of the game aspect using Ollydbg (a free win 32 aplication debbugger and assembler-dissasembler) and the other file is Battlerealms.dat, like the name said it stores all the data that was compiled and the exe will call it when needing values for the game itself and its internal functions.

This second file is the one we will discuss here.

General Tips
First please download XVI32 a free hex editor from the link:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Next we need to configure the editor to suit our needs like this:
Go to Tools-->Options-->Appearance and check "Use blank to display control characters", I cant stress this enough since it will make your life easier when you are browsing the file.
If you want to find a section quicker press Crl+F and put whatever you want in the text box, them push "convert text to hex", you will get something like this 42 61 64 08 but to actually find the text fill with 00 like this 42 00 61 00 64 00 08, remember that the text strings are filled with controls characters.
The Windows Scientific Calculator is your best friend if you are not used with hex values.

Then the real works begin, I post a pic to show the data and painted in two colors, red and green, to divide the values in segments that I will explain step by step.

Resized to 75% (was 1280 x 1024) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

I will begin with the block marked blue, it separates our code data from the previous entry and thus is the beggining of the code we will inspect, the next sections are marked red and green and I will ONLY describe the values of the marked segments starting from the:

Value 00 Entry ID
Dont change this as you can get a crash window.

Value 11 to 74 Building name
Check out for the first 11, its a fixed value that indicate the lenght of the ASCII string, if you change this value you will get an out of memory error. Although in theory it cant be changed is useful whe you want to find a section fast, I will explain the technique later.

Value 7D Model Type
As it name states its the entry for the 3d model to use, you can freely change this value to make your building look like other buildings, even more you can input values from other clans buildings too!

Value 06 Tech Level
Or in other words needed tech level to have the building available, pretty useless as for multiplayers games there dont seem to be a way to set the starting tech level, but for the campaigns maps they are set in each map to disable some buildings at the begginning.

Value 80 to 3F Building`s Armor
This one is a big segment, its holds the Data for the Buildings Armor in the following order Cutting, Piercing, Blunt, Fire, Explosive and Magical. Take a look for the Cutting values and you will see that the data is arranged in this way 80 3F, the first value is the one we want to change. Raising the 80 to its max value FE will make the building extremely vulnerable to cutting attacks, on the other hand lowering to 01 will make it harder to this type of attack and last filling the values with 00 00 will make the building invulnerable to this type of attacks and will display "the selected unit cannot attack this building", that explain why only sledgers can break the pile of rocks blocking your path in the Graybacks journey.

Value 64 to 32 Building Cost and Refund
The first two 64s (100 in decimal) are the hex value for the Rice and Water cost respectively and the followings 32 are the values for the resource refund when you destroy the building, this way you can make your building generate tons of resources with just only rising the values for the refund data.

Value 05 to 19 Unit1 Training
This part is where it becomes more interesting (if you arent tired or bored of reading this yet), I will explain this part to the best I can. The value 05 holds the entry for the unit allowed to enter the building and the next 01 the unit that will generate after the training. Imagine what you can do with this!, make a peasant train in a building and it becomes a Hero unit and even change for other clans units. Well posibly values are:

PUSH 0 Archer
PUSH 1 Chemist
PUSH 2 Dragon Warrior
PUSH 3 Geisha
PUSH 4 Kabuki
PUSH 5 Peasant
PUSH 6 Sumo Canonneer
PUSH 7 Samurai
PUSH 8 Spearman

PUSH 13 Bandit
PUSH 14 Cannoneer
PUSH 15 Crossbowman
PUSH 16 Geisha
PUSH 17 Musketeer
PUSH 18 Peasant
PUSH 19 Raider
PUSH 1A Ronin
PUSH 1B Spirit Warrior
PUSH 1C Spirit Warrior
PUSH 1D Swordman

PUSH 1E Blade Acolyte
PUSH 20 Tausil
PUSH 2A Unclean
PUSH 2B Warlock

PUSH 2C Ballista Man
PUSH 2D Berserker
PUSH 2E Brawler
PUSH 2F Druidess
PUSH 30 Hurler
PUSH 31 Mauler
PUSH 32 Pack Master
PUSH 33 Peasant
PUSH 34 Pitch Slinger
PUSH 35 Sledger
PUSH 36 Werewolf

PUSH 39 Dragon
PUSH 40 Original Prince Taro, crash the game
PUSH 42 Monk
PUSH 43 Nightvol
PUSH 44 Ninja
PUSH 4F Horse
PUSH 53 Zombie

PUSH 55 Arah
PUSH 56 Budo
PUSH 57 Gaihla
PUSH 58 Garrin
PUSH 59 Grayback
PUSH 5A Issyl
PUSH 5B Kazan
PUSH 5C Kenji_Dragon
PUSH 5D Kenji_No Sword
PUSH 5E Kenji_Serpent
PUSH 5F Kenji_Young
PUSH 60 Kenji_2 Dragon
PUSH 61 Kenji_2 No Sword
PUSH 62 Kenji_2 Serpent
PUSH 63 Kenji_Dragon 3
PUSH 64 Kenji one with the dragon
PUSH 65 Kenji_Serpent 3
PUSH 66 Koryl
PUSH 67 Long Tooth
PUSH 68 Necromancer
PUSH 69 Otomo Serpent
PUSH 6A Otomo Dragon
PUSH 6B Shinja Serpent
PUSH 6C Shinja Dragon
PUSH 6D Soban
PUSH 6F Shale Lord
PUSH 70 Utara
PUSH 71 Vetkin
PUSH 72 Zymeth
PUSH 73 Zymeth one with the orb

Forget about the PUSH word (its just that the list was too big that I copy paste from my debbugger doc info) also since the values are arranged in alfabetical order you can fill the missing spaces by yourself. I recommend memorizing this table or have it handy since you will need it if you want to understand how the Keeps summons the Heroes, which units are affected with a certain technique and so on. I may consider the values as ID pointers since the exe calls it whenever a unit is generated.

Returning to the matter at hand, the last 19 is the training time. If you want to make your unit train almost instantly put a 01 here.

Value 08 to 1E Unit 2 Training
Only with data if the building allows more than one training, same as above but for the second training, i.e. the training a chemist do when entering a dojo.

Value 02 to 2D Unit 3 Training
Only with data if the building allows more than one training, same as above but for the third training, i.e. the training a kabuki do when entering a dojo.

Value 10 to 03 Button Upgrades
This data store the internal entry ID for the buttons upgrades available to this building. The value 14 03 refers to the Tempered Steel the only value you can change here is the 14 as the 03 seems to be fixed, the game is very tricky in this part like you can have the same upgrades in every building but for the CURRENT clan only. For example you cant make the Tempered Steel to be available in the Serpent Alchemist Hut but you can have it in a Dragon Bath House. Also this segment works completely different in some buildings, like the Keep, where the upgrades buttons are exchanged for the heroes buttons.

The Dragon Keep
I have seen some people who ask how a Hero can be included in the multiplayer and so on, is really easy, just look at the picture.

Resized to 75% (was 1280 x 1024) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

You will see the values 69,5B,55,58,6E and 8D and if you see the units table you will find that correspond to Otomo, Kazan, Arah, Garrin, Tao and Teppo in this order. You can freely change this values to make whatever hero or unit to be available at the keep just take notice that the last slot only works for WOTW. I dont know what 80 3F 2D do though.

Value 20 42 Building time
Not quite the truth, it seems more or less to work like the health and stamina regeneration system but the difference that you need a peasant to make it work and the other is automatic. If you want to make your building be constructed "somewhat" faster lower the value 20 to 01. Dont touch the 42 as IS a fixed multiplier and can crash the game. be continued

Since I am a little tired I will continue in the Next Chapter. Then I will explain the buildings pre-requisites, all about the units and techniques, but for the people that dont like to wait I will give you the next addresses.

Here you can see how the data is organized in big chunk of segments and what values correspond to what function. The list of funtions for the buildings begin at the address FC4C2 and the actual data at the adress 133A7C. Investigate them to understand more the code and dont forget to put your findings here.

Lotus >>>>
21 = Sehk
22 = Channeler
23 = diseased one
24 = Golem
25 = Infested one
26 = leaf disciple
27 = master warlock
28 = Peasant
1F = Lythis
7C = Overseer
7D = Reaper

Original Battle Realms
00 Archer
01 Chemist
02 Dragon Warrior
03 Geisha
04 Kabuki
05 Peasant
06 Sumo Canonneer
07 Samurai
08 Spearman

13 Bandit
14 Cannoneer
15 Crossbowman
16 Geisha
17 Musketeer
18 Peasant
19 Raider
1A Ronin
1B Spirit Warrior
1C Spirit Warrior 2
1D Swordman

1E Blade Acolyte
1F Lythis
20 Tausil
21 Sehk
22 Channeler
23 Diseased one
24 Golem
25 Infested one
26 Leaf disciple
27 Master warlock
28 Peasant
29 Staff Adept
2A Unclean
2B Warlock

2C Ballista Man
2D Berserker
2E Brawler
2F Druidess
30 Hurler
31 Mauler
32 Pack Master
33 Peasant
34 Pitch Slinger
35 Sledger
36 Werewolf

37 Bat
38 Butterfly
39 The Dragon
3A Dragonfly
3B Fish
3C Fly
3D Frog
3E Hawk
3F Hordeling
40 Original Prince Taro (crash the game)
41 Lilypad Frog
42 Monk
43 Nightvol
44 Ninja
45 Owl
46 Rabbit
47 Rat
48 Raven
49 Scorpion
4A Seagull
4B Snake
4C Songbird
4D Squirrel
4E Tarrant
4F Trained Horse
50 Vulture
51 Horse
52 Wolf
53 Zombie
54 Zombie 2

55 Arah
56 Budo
57 Gaihla
58 Garrin
59 Grayback
5A Issyl
5B Kazan
5C Kenji_Dragon
5D Kenji_No Sword (crash the game)
5E Kenji_Serpent
5F Kenji_Young (crash the game)
60 Kenji_2 Dragon
61 Kenji_2 No Sword (crash the game)
62 Kenji_2 Serpent
63 Kenji_Dragon 3
64 Kenji one with the dragon
65 Kenji_Serpent 3
66 Koryl
67 LongTooth
68 Necromancer
69 Otomo Serpent
6A Otomo Dragon
6B Shinja Serpent
6C Shinja Dragon
6D Soban
6E Tao
6F Shale Lord
70 Utara
71 Vetkin
72 Zymeth
73 Zymeth one with the orb

Winter of the Wolf

74 Chakram Maiden
75 Chakram Maiden Doppleganger
76 Guardian
77 Guardian (Dying)

78 Enforcer
79 Witch
7A Witch (Demon Form)
7B Witch (Demon Form 2)

7C Overseer
7D Reaper

7E Digger
7F Dryad

80 Arctic Fox
81 Shale Spider
82 Shambler
83 Shambler 2
84 Snowy Owl
85 Spirit wolf
86 White Wolf (From Wildeye)
87 Winter Rabbit

88 Graybak (Endgame)
89 Grayback (Middle)
8A Grayback (Slave)
8B LongTooth (Slave)
8C Taro
8D Teppo
8E Wildeye
8F Yvaine
90 Yvaine (Ungodly Power)


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