- Leap
- Ancient Spear
- Ground Stomp -Trembling Stomp
- Sprint -Run Like the Wind
- Sprint -Gangway
- Overpower
- Revenge
- Rend
- Earthquake
- Call of the Ancients
- Wrath of the Berserker -Arreats Wail
- Ignore Pain -Bravado

Alternates hands Skills
- Bash
- Cleave
- Frenzy
- Furious Charge
- Whirlwind
- Hammer of the Ancients
- Seismic Slam
- Weapon Throw
General rule of thumb is, skills with cooldowns usually use main-hand only damage and skills that you can spam usually alternate. Note: One exception is Furious Charge.
Thanks to Lonewolf616 for this list!