Broadband connection is one of the most used internet connections, alongside wired and wi-fi internet connection. And the most used device to use broadband connection is USB Modem (GSM/CDMA), and one of the most used brands is Huawei, a world-recognized Chinese manufacture that focuses to produce great networking devices (modems, router etc). It is probably the most popular brand from China and I have to say that Huawei is a great product.
Because of this I decided to buy a CDMA USB modem from Huawei. And greatly, this has already been recognized by Linux from so long time ago and so I can use the modem easily with GNOMEs Network Manager. But later I found a problem : how to top up my prepaid internet account? To top up my prepaid internet account, I have to send a SMS to the provider and I cant do this on Linux. With forced, I temporarily used Mobile Partner application on Windows to buy / top up my prepaid internet account.
But later, Praise God, I finally found the Linux version of the Huawei Mobile Partner application. So now, I dont need Windows anymore to just top my prepaid account up. Though Mobile Partner Linux doesnt include calling feature, its SMS feature worked great on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Now, I could top up my prepaid intetnet account by Linux and I dontt have to �touch� Windows anymore.
The Installation is easy, although we have to use terminal (it is Linux, okay?). We just need to make the install script executable by the command : chmod +x install and then just follow the wizard. Last, I made a Desktop Integration specialized for Ubuntu desktop and we need to install it because without it, the app couldnt be executed from menu (it needs root privilage to run).
The package could be downloaded HERE.
Settings and Configuration
Once we have finished install the app, let the modem plugged in and reboot the system. Last, we have to set the internet profile manually by accessing Tools>Options>Profile Management. If you dont know the detail about your internet provider, you have to ask to the provider about the manual configuration. I use a local CDMA provider Smartfren so my connection profile is like this :
Profile : Smart
Access number : #777
User name : smart
Password : smart
Last, save and OK, and go to the Connection session and we just need to press Connect. Hope this will be useful for us and dont ever stop using Linux as the main and daily operating system. Bravo Linux.