Hey! Just wanted to give some random info about Alizas Journey when I started working on it. When I started to work on Alizas Journey, Aliza supposed to have ability to change between Archer and Warrior. But because I was new to World Editor, I had no idea how to do it. Then I changed idea to that youve three different ways to continue the campaign, which were of course basic ideas: Warrior, Mage, Ranger. But this was thrown away because of huge amount of work, such as Map work, how the story goes on because I planned it to have different endings and so on. Like early version of Alizas Journey Beginning, there was three places to end the campaign, some people may remember those but I changed it to only magic because of... Magic ? This change was probably in version 1.0.5. "*Chapter 13 - Changed couple of things in this chapter." Actually Alizas Journey - Beginning were supposed to have Special Chapter where Aliza could use ALL of those three powers, so I succeed to make simpl...